学生就业 and Internships


世界杯官方app学生可以在整个商业事务中参与有意义的学生就业和实习机会. Our career-engaged learning opportunities align closely with the 商务 战略途径 培养一个鼓舞人心和赋权的工作场所,并与我们的社区联系和参与.


商务 includes six major service areas: Administration and 操作, 校园服务, 设施, 金融事务, 公共安全, Real Estate, Construction and Planning. Our student employees are valued team members, 每学年有100多名学生参加我们服务区域的学生就业和实习经历.

When hiring, priority is given to students with work-study funding. 有兴趣在校园工作的学生应该查看握手网站来寻找可用的职位. Any questions about student employment opportunities can be directed to VPBAOffice@iefy.net


Through our internship opportunities, 商务事务部与南南大学学生建立有意义的联系,并提供宝贵的职业学习机会,支持学生的学术课程. Recent interns have been from the departments of Communication, 公共管理, Construction Science and Management, Criminology and Criminal Justice.

我们在握手网站上发布了实习机会,我们强烈鼓励有兴趣的学生申请. Internship experiences within 商务 offer hands-on learning, 指导, 为学生提供了在大学内部和更大的圣安东尼奥社区内部建立联系的宝贵机会.

商务 Communications Academy

商业事务学院将在2024年秋季学期推出一所通信学院. This unique opportunity is a paid training program for undergraduate students. 在秋季学期,参与者将受益于由商业事务战略传播团队的专业人员提供的为期13周的实践培训. 整个学期, students will strengthen valuable skills in writing, 社交媒体管理, 基本平面设计, 网络编辑, 摄影, 摄像, 和更多的.

At the end of the semester, 成功的候选人将获得商务事务部门的学生就业机会. We are hiring five undergraduate student employees for the initial program cohort, as well as a 世界杯官方app graduate assistant to help support students in the program. 联系 Dr. 莉斯Rockstroh with any questions about the program.



学生就业是指为世界杯官方app学生在校园工作的临时兼职工作的招聘和管理. This includes all student employee positions, including work-study positions. 实习是一种体验式学习的形式,它将课堂上学到的知识和理论与专业环境中的实际应用和技能发展相结合. 实习与学生的专业密切相关,并且有明确的学习目标. Students can learn more about the definitions of student positions at 世界杯官方app in the 操作手册 程序.

联邦 勤工俭学 为符合条件的学生提供在校园或社区服务机构做兼职工作来赚取大学资金的机会. Interested students can contact One Stop Enrollment - Financial Aid 欲知详情. 

大学就业中心 assists students in any phase of their career journey, including: Career Assessment, Career Exploration and Planning, Resume / Cover Letter Review, 面试准备, Professional Networking Assistance, Graduate or Professional School Assistance, Internship / Job 搜索 Assistance, Professional Headshots.

的 best way to find and apply for student employment and internship positions is on 握手. 商务代表将参加由大学就业中心举办的招聘会,以推广可用的职位.

商务事务部门的学生员工职位与广泛的学术专业保持一致,并提供实践培训和有意义的专业经验. 商务 hires student employees to work in many areas, 包括公共安全, 人力资源, 金融事务, 战略沟通, 房地产等. Responsibilities vary per office, but examples include 社交媒体管理 and graphic design, assisting with event planning, creating professional correspondence, managing complex projects, 和更多的. 我们鼓励学生阅读握手网站上的职位描述,以了解更多商务事务部门的空缺职位.



Ezabella Khan – Office of Sustainability

自2022年秋季以来,Ezabella Khan一直在可持续发展办公室担任学生助理. 在她的位置上, 她已经学会了如何使用Power BI创建数据可视化来跟踪校园能源使用情况.  的 vast experience she gained through office operations, cleaning and analyzing data, 策划网站内容,参与自行车工作坊等活动,并在交通科技中心派发汽车座椅! Seated Infants and Toddlers Event has widened her skillset as a finance major.

她能够与内部和外部利益相关者扩大她的专业网络,并通过她的主管获得导师, Lani可能. Ezabella最自豪的是Sustainability的使命,使世界杯官方app成为一个更可持续和更环保的校园.


萨凡纳Autin – Office of the Executive Vice President for 商务

萨凡纳·奥斯汀于2023年春季开始在商业事务高级副总裁办公室(SVPBA)担任研究生助理. 在她的位置上, 她在办公室运作和策划部门员工参与活动方面发挥了重要作用.

在SVPBA办公室的工作有助于提高萨凡纳的批判性思维和适应高节奏环境的能力, 当她完成临床心理健康咨询硕士学位时,这项技能将是非常宝贵的. Savannah has enjoyed the opportunity to engage in 指导, both as a mentee and by leading the office’s undergraduate student workers.


Tomeka皮尔斯 – Administration & 操作

Tomeka皮尔斯 completed a project management internship with Administration & 2023年春季运营. As an experienced 公共管理 and Policy undergraduate student, Tomeka was eager for an opportunity to explore a career in the public sector.

Working closely with the A&O领导团队, Tomeka为领导报告过程实施了标准化的项目管理方法,并试用了自动化工具的使用. 她的项目包括研究最佳实践和确定改进项目规划的工具, 执行, 和监控.

Tomeka最自豪的是团队的协作性质以及他们对反馈和变化的开放态度. 她的实习让她对高等教育的运作有了宝贵的见解,她期待着毕业后继续在公共部门工作.

Eva Arroyo形象

Eva Arroyo – Real Estate, Construction and Planning

Eva Arroyo是2022年秋季房地产,建筑和规划(RECaP)的实习生. In this photo, she is holding her Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification. RECaP团队非常自豪地庆祝她不仅通过了PMP考试, but also graduating from 世界杯官方app.


Toan “My” Le – Real Estate, Construction and Planning

Toan “My” Le was an intern with the Real Estate, Construction and Planning (RECaP) department in the fall of 2022. He recently presented his class design project, which is a Pearl concept. RECaP很自豪地通过提供真实世界的设计经验来支持My,他可以将这些经验融入到他的课堂项目中. He presented his concept Pearl project to the RECaP team in January 2023.