
FESC1_DSC7266.jpgEstablished in 2013, 新学者计划庆祝世界杯官方app多元化的学生群体-从传统的第一代大学生到那些在成家后回到学术界的学生, completing military service, 或者重新投身于教育——该项目奖励那些专注于历史本科或研究生研究的优秀学生. 由于诺基金会慷慨地承诺提供100万美元,其中一部分将由德克萨斯研究激励计划(TRIP)提供,该计划将继续奖励那些弥合地理鸿沟的学者, racial, ethnic, generational, and socio-economic borders.

Founder of The Nau Foundation, John L. Nau, III是Silver Eagle Beverages的董事长兼首席执行官. Silver Eagle Beverages has been a longtime supporter of 世界杯官方app; the company has supported 世界杯官方app's Alumni Programs, the Institute of Texan Cultures, President's Associates, the 世界杯官方app Excellence Fund, and 世界杯官方app Athletics. 自2014年以来,该公司还在年度校友晚会上赞助了一张桌子.

In 2012, John Nau committed $1,000,在五年内向历史系提供了1万美元,以创建新学者计划的历史助教奖学金, the NAU Scholars Graduate History Fellowship Fund, and the NAU Scholars Undergraduate History Scholarship Fund.

“我的目标是通过提供资源来招募一些最优秀的本科生和研究生来帮助加强世界杯官方app的历史系. 世界杯官方app历史系有潜力为德克萨斯州和美国做出许多伟大的学术贡献," said John L. Nau, III, chairman and CEO of Silver Eagle Beverages.

2020年1月,他又向新学者计划承诺了100万美元. 全国各地都能感受到约翰·诺对世界杯官方app历史系学生的影响. Since 2012, his generosity has funded over 60 student scholarships at 世界杯官方app, 为本科生和研究生提供了无与伦比的机会,进一步提高他们对当地文化的了解, national, and international issues of historical significance.

随着我们的高等教育格局以前所未有的、意想不到的方式发生变化. 纽大学的变革性天赋保证了我们广受赞誉的历史系有机会培养出才华横溢、雄心勃勃的学生," said Department of History chair and professor, Dr. Rhonda Gonzales. "From San Antonians to international students, 这份最新的礼物确保他们能够充分集中精力,成为为后代创造和塑造知识的历史学家." 

Mr. 诺对服务的承诺和对历史的热情在他广泛的公民生涯中是明确无误的, community, and philanthropic endeavors. His involvement includes serving on the National Parks Foundation Board of Directors; American Battlefield Trust Board of Directors; Baylor College of Medicine Board of Trustees; Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History Board of Trustees; San Antonio Zoo Board of Directors, Honorary Trustee of Texas Heart Institute; Greater Houston Partnership Director; and Advisory Council member to the Center for Big Bend Studies.

纽学者——过去的和现在的——已经成为一个由本科生和研究生组成的对历史充满热情的家庭. Through their commitment to learning and excellence, 他们致力于推进历史研究和理解. 正是这种卓越的标准通过新学者计划得到奖励. The program offers the Nau Undergraduate Research Award in History, the Nau Graduate Research Award in History, and the Nau Graduate Research Assistantship in History.

世界杯官方app历史系很幸运能有John Nau和Nau基金会的合作伙伴.

欲了解更多世界杯官方app新学者计划及其资格标准,请访问 history.iefy.net/nau/nau-scholars.